Dallas County Tax Sales
Tax sales are held on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 9 a.m.
Dallas County tax sales are conducted fully online.
Fill out this form and send in by email or by mail to: Dallas County Tax Office, Attn: Special Inventory, Records Building, 500 Elm St, Ste 3300, Dallas, TX 75202.
You must also send in a check for $10, payable to: John R. Ames, Tax Assessor/Collector.
Once the form has been received and you are verified as eligible to participate in the tax sale, you will be mailed or emailed a Written Statement, which is valid for 90 days. This Written Statement must be faxed to the Dallas County Sheriff's Office at 214-761-1391 or emailed to writenforcement@dallascounty.org at least two business days before the tax sale you wish to bid in.
You must create an account and deposit 5% of your anticipated max bid via ACH or wire transfer. Please note that this 5% represents your anticipated highest bid per property, and the estimated minimum bid may change up until the date of sale.
For answers to other frequently asked questions, click here.
*Ensure you conduct due dilligence by thoroughly researching the tax sale process and each property before bidding. Any action you take on the information provided by our website is strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website or the information provided therein.
To Register:
Fill out this form and send in by email or by mail to: Dallas County Tax Office, Attn: Special Inventory, Records Building, 500 Elm St, Ste 3300, Dallas, TX 75202.
You must also send in a check for $10, payable to: John R. Ames, Tax Assessor/Collector.
Once the form has been received and you are verified as eligible to participate in the tax sale, you will be mailed or emailed a Written Statement, which is valid for 90 days. This Written Statement must be faxed to the Dallas County Sheriff's Office at 214-761-1391 or emailed to writenforcement@dallascounty.org at least two business days before the tax sale you wish to bid in.
You must create an account and deposit 5% of your anticipated max bid via ACH or wire transfer. Please note that this 5% represents your anticipated highest bid per property, and the estimated minimum bid may change up until the date of sale.