Tarrant County Tax Sales

Tax sales are held on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 10 a.m.

Tarrant County tax sales are conducted at the Tarrant County Courthouse, 100 W. Weatherford, Fort Worth, Texas.

Fill out this form and have it notarized at the Tarrant Count Tax Assessor-Collectors Office at 100 E. Weatherford, Administration Building, first floor, Fort Worth, Texas. At that time you will also need to pay $10 to cover the cost of issuing a written authorization. 

Once you are verified as eligible to participate in the tax sale, you will be mailed the written authorization - approximately within two weeks.

After you have received your written authorization, fill out this Tax Sale Bidder Registration form and bring it with you on the day of the sale, along with valid, government-issued ID. You can also complete this Tax Sale Bidder Registration form online. Click here and use the username dtsbidder and the password DTSBiddersAu9

Payments are only accepted in cash, cashier checks, or money orders. It is strongly recommended that purchasers bring cashiers checks of varied denominations and some cash because we will accept exact funds only. All money orders or checks should be made out to Constable Darrell Huffman.

Purchasers have up to one hour after the sale to bring in certified funds or cash in the exact amount. There are local banks available nearby, should one be needed.

*Ensure you conduct due dilligence by thoroughly researching the tax sale process and each property before bidding. Any action you take on the information provided by our website is strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website or the information provided therein.

To Register:

Fill out this form and have it notarized at the Tarrant Count Tax Assessor-Collectors Office at 100 E. Weatherford, Administration Building, first floor, Fort Worth, Texas. At that time you will also need to pay $10 to cover the cost of issuing a written authorization. 

Once you are verified as eligible to participate in the tax sale, you will be mailed the written authorization - approximately within two weeks.

After you have received your written authorization, fill out this Tax Sale Bidder Registration form and bring it with you on the day of the sale, along with valid, government-issued ID. You can also complete this Tax Sale Bidder Registration form online. Click here and use the username dtsbidder and the password DTSBiddersAu9